Doctoral Candidate 17 (DC 17) Name: Harry Grimes
Email Address: [email protected]
Personal Information: After studying a BSc Sport and Exercise Science degree at Swansea University, Harry discovered a passion for anti-doping and sports ethics. This led him to studying on the prestigious MAiSI program, the most rewarding experience of his life. His master’s thesis was an ethical analysis of the NFL and WADA’s anti-doping policy, through the lens of key issues such as Proportionality, Sanctions and Deterrence. This has many key overlaps with his current research, including questions such as what constitutes a legitimate, credible, and trustworthy anti-doping organisation. With a background in football and cricket, he hopes to continue working to combat and raise awareness of integrity issues in sport.
Home University: UNIL
Planned Secondments:
(1) Host University: SWAN
(2) Industrial Partner: WADA
Supervisors: Prof Dr Fabien Ohl, UNIL; Prof Dr Katrina Pritchard, SWAN; Prof Sigmund Loland, NSSS
Project Description: Understanding the elements on which trust is built and to increase trust in antidoping in improving antidoping organisations’ (ADOS) governance and policies.